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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2018
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[REVIEW ICO] BETEX: P2P financial derivatives trading What is the BETEX platform? Betex is a leading-edge platform for P2P financial derivatives trading. It enables users to place bets on future rate changes against each other. As a platform provider, we cannot engage in betting. Thus, there is no way for us to benefit from it. We only profit from collecting service fees. About BETEX Betex is an ICO-funding binary option peer-to-peer trading platform that makes use of Ethereum’s smart contract. Their aim is to remove the corruption in the investment practice by providing a transparent and fair platform. The transparency platform will allow traders to trade against each other and not against brokers thus removing the negative system brought in by brokers. To ensure total transparency and fairness, Betex will not be involved in trading but will earn money from charging service fees. Since they are not involved in trading, they can’t manipulate trading or outcome
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Evaluate XYO Network ICO — Follow everything on the blockchain What is XYO ? The XYO Network is blockchain’s first decentralized, trustless and secure Proof of Location organize. Because of its two one of a kind center ideas, Proof of Origin and Bound Witnesses, the XYO Network allows developers and smart contract creators to interact with the real world as if through an API. The XYO Network has four essential parts, Sentinels, Bridges, Archivists, and Diviners. These four segments empower geo-centered, accord building and trustless confirmation of area information.This implies when you write a smart contract that indicates for a question show up at a particular XY arrange, in the event that it shows up there, you will realize that it was at that area with absolute certainty . This is altogether managed without danger of caricaturing the area flagging device(s) checked by a large number of Sentinels in the XY Oracle Network with the longest Proof of Origin chain The XYO Netw
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[REVIEW] ICO MERCULET — ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF DISTRIBUTION FOR INTERNET USERS Introduction to the Merculet platform As mentioned above, the social networking platforms are now worth hundreds of billions of dollars, which is created by users based on the content and interaction between users, but all the money Again, the pockets of corporations are concentrated, and we are “empty handed” for what we have created. On the other hand, the value of information on these platforms often provides useless information, which can be said to be worthless for businesses and users. In the era of information explosion, the attention of users is gradually becoming a scarce resource to attract creators to bring top content. This makes companies grow slowly. The acquisition of new customers becomes more difficult and expensive than for both startups and large businesses. The worse is that the current platform can not retain users, resulting in their rapid “evaporation”. This poses a big chall
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Thrive ICO Review 2018 Thrive is a Blockchain based Marketplace to BUY and SELL Advertising at very low fees.People get PAID for data sharing and for reviewing the quality of each website in the ecosystem.You are finally taking back the control of the internet.Thrive Labs ambition statement is to build a better internet,together.Thrive’s ultimate goal is to establish the first meritocratic& community based Premium Advertising Market Place,where all participants become strong contributors in defining clear publisher interests,commercial benefits and self-reinforcing processes to make.Visit to official website https://ico.thrivelabs.io/ Benefits of Joining Thrive Users and Websites reward. User behavior and search data is worth billions to companies,finally users and website owners get compensated. Reviews Opportunity. Potential reviewer yearly income up to 27K€ tokens equivalents. Advertisers/Publishers opportunity. Participating in TGE rounds means securing