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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2018
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[REVIEW ICO] Nauticus ICO - A Coin for Six Global Banking and Ecommerce Solutions The Nauticus ICO program is the first step in the company's bold vision of the six global banking and e-commerce solutions that use blockchain technology.  Unlike most new cryptographic algorithms, ICO supporters will be able to use and trade their Nauticus coins immediately on Nauticus's secret exchange and fiat exchange.         Nauticus Coins Nauticus Coin is a cryptocurrency created to be used on the Nautilus platform.  Nautilus will be an ecommerce platform that plans to be approached more easily than other existing companies by having a small fee.  The company believes that only by this will make the Cryptocurrency a better price in the market. The company was founded by Arif Alexander Ahmad and Marco Mengele, both young, but eager to overcome their position in this competitive market.  Both have experience in the capital markets and blockchain technology.  The rest of the
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[REVIEW ICO]  SKYFchain - Transport platform on Blockchain SKYFchain is the operating platform of an air transport system including unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drone, in all sizes from baby to large, for the purpose of supporting airfreight services. loading of goods and applying to many specialized fields. WHY IS SKYFCHAIN ​​WHETHER? Transport services have changed the face of the economy because it meets the needs of the entire industry, helping goods to flow, people are free to move.  Road, waterway and air transport technologies are being improved on a daily basis to reduce costs and time, while increasing service quality to customers. However, there are still a number of issues that stakeholders face every day:    • Credit unrest    • Costly insurance    • Operating complex    • Many sanctions in many countries and territories  Recognizing these issues and devoting their careers to research, SKYFchain will create a service man