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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2018
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[ ICO Review ] : Tracoin ICO - The World’s First Global Market Place For Land Transport Systems Website -  https://www.tracoin.co/ Tracoin  Land Transportation is an essential part of human activity, and in many ways form the basis of all socio-economic interactions. Indeed, no two locations will interact effectively without a viable means of movement. In many developing countries, inadequate transport facilities are often the norm rather than the exception. Thus, a good transport system is essential to support economic growth and development. Land Transport is a crucial driver of economic and social development, bringing opportunities for the poor and enabling economies to be more competitive. Transport infrastructure connects people to jobs, education, and health services; it enables the supply of goods and services around the world; and allows people to interact and generate the knowledge and solutions that foster long-term growth. Rural roads, for example, can
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[ICO Review ] DATABLOCKCHAIN -  Merging Big Data, AI And Blockchain DataBlockChain.io is a revolutionary data platform that stands to disrupt the way that companies and individuals gather premium data. Our product will democratize data, making it more readily available and less expensive than the current methods of data gathering and vetting. The result is that clients can access specific data sets in a cost-effective and transparent way, collecting exactly what they need without paying for extraneous data. We will merge our own proprietary data with many of the world’s largest databases ranging from government data, industry specific data, voting records, business to business data, property data, credit bureau data, etc. to create a comprehensive variety of data sets valuable to individuals and businesses looking to both attract and retain clients There is no secret when the key to getting new customers and keeping your existing customers are owning important data that ca
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[ICO REVIEW] Worldopoly -  POTENTIAL PROJECTS 2018 "Worldopoly"   is a multiplayer real-time strategy game that simulates urban construction with integrated technology to block and enhance reality.  The game guarantees an economic and play-related stimulus through the implementation of its own electronic money WPT. Imagine a game bordered with reality.  A mobile game where your playground is the real city of our world where you can buy lots on the street and build houses you can visit and see by using revolutionary AR technology. Worldpoly also uses state-of-the-art blockchain technology and allows you to buy and sell real estate while playing the game.  A mobile game where you can make real money! We dreamed.  We have developed and created.  And now invite you to join and take the next step together. Worldopoly  - a game associated with cryptocurrencies. The game will be similar to Pokémon Go and Monopoly, where the user will have the opportunity to bu