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About the Bobsrepair COIN Project - Home Distributor - Supported by McAfee

About Project Bobsrepair COIN -, set up by the Prendecki brothers. This is a blockchain support platform with the main title is to give up time and ambiguity in the skilled trade through a school.
For many years, home repairs have caused trouble for many families. There is a web portal and a good seller. For all cases, select the value for meng. Finally, they have to pay a higher fee and buy more expensive materials for repairs and also be priced according to the referral commission.
Prandecki brothers are business people with contractors with consumers. They have created billions of dollars for businesses. However, users are not satisfied with the commission they pay to middlemen. 
To solve this problem, Bob's Repair has been developed with the help of blockchain technology.

I. What are Bobs Repair?
Bug project was made by Prandecki brothers and technology engineers and is one of the few backup rooms supported by McAfee.
Bob's Repair uses blockchain technology to create a system-level right with a horizontal row of the network that will maintain the registry distribution without any central authority. This would allow most security and security in the network, of the people fix. Bob's Repair will store all transactional accounts on the blockchain.
Transactions between users and contractors will be retained, based on which Bob's Repair will associate them with the transaction policy.
All will be rated customer and direct. Hidden costs and advertising costs, the average commission will be dropped, giving customers cost savings.
II. The benefits that Bobs Repair brings
  1. Submit
Bob's Repair will help customers completely avoid software and solutions in the repair process, for all the best, transparent and mind when looking for a contractor.
2. Believe in Blockchain
Bobs Repair will create a system so that all values ​​will be associated with the main transaction, providing users with efficient and constant. Use the contract to keep the contract related to the final accounting opera.
3. Expand development
Since 2014, Bob's Repair has worked with over 50,000 customers by linking customers to employees through the Qualified Workforce Trade Organization (STWP). The service of Bob's current service is given by the number of the 100 houses distributed at the United States.
4. Contract for Smart Contractor
Bob's Repair will try to boost the deal to maintain profitability and release the title when the column is completed.
5. "Profitability" for BOB Card Investments 
Each company will use 50% of its profits to buy BOB cards on the open market and reduce them. This will help you get the value of the boldness of caring for your family first.

III. ICO information
Image results for Bobsrepair
Sales Start: January 4, 2018, Thursday
Hardcap: 30,000 ETH
Soft soft: 6,000 ETH
Code Name: BOB
Price: 1 ETH = 6000 BOB 
Can be paid by:

Token Distribution: 
Total supply: 360,000,000 BOB

Sale of 50% ICO (Front Sale and Crowsale)
Project Development Team 20%
10% legal
20% reserve
IV. Group Development
Frideric Prandecki: Co-founder, 
Frideric CEO graduated from Harvard University and has successfully mobilized $ 300,000 for the current app in Android and iOS.

Alexandre Prandecki: Co-Founder, COO 
The other members of the development team are experts in the Blockchain platform and an information security, including:

Todd Conley: Co-Founder, CTO
Evgeniy Tatarchuk: Principal member
Pavel Rubin: Developing blockchain and software
Christina Czeschik: Strategist and market analyst.
Patent Law: Global Technology Law Firm
Alain Schoovers: Senior Developer
Anna Turina: in charge of advertising and media
Issues: John McAfee, Vitaly Pecharsky, Monty Lapica, Greg Buchan
V. personal assessment
Blockchain, blockchain technology applied to prevent and reduce costs, create transparency in the construction and repair of very necessary cases. , especially when building and repairing is ongoing. 
Bob Repair is a full-fledged project that meets the needs and improves ideas based on intelligent platform technology. 
On financial investment we can see that "profit sharing" in the past is also a trend so I believe Bobs Repair will be a successful and profitable project for the home. private private

You can find more information at:
Bitcointalk users: trungtin1417

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