Is a blockchain-based green energy trading platform. Allow renewable energy producers to raise capital by issuing their own energy tokens. These tokens represent the energy they commit to be produced and delivered. The standardization of energy tokenisasi simplifies and opens the current global energy investment ecosystem. As a result, energy producers can trade directly with green energy buyers (consumers and investors) and increase capital by selling energy upfront, below market prices
Energy encryption coincides with platforms built on an open decentralized data base, opening up global green energy markets to a vast pool of investors. In open platforms, new energy projects depend not only on local investors, asset liquidity allows better capi-tal-to-debt ratios without the use of Government subsidies. We estimate that simplifying the investment process through WePower will significantly reduce the cost of funding, ultimately divided between renewable energy producers andconsumers / investors.

WePower — the next generation utility company

Disrupting energy markets through open green energy investment and trading solutions.
WePower enables renewable energy producers to raise capital by issuing their own energy tokens. These tokens represent energy they commit to produce and deliver. Energy tokenization standardizes simplifies and opens globally currently existing energy investment ecosystem. As a result energy producers can trade directly with the green energy buyers (consumers and investors) and raise capital by selling energy upfront, at below market rates. Energy tokenization ensures liquidity and extends access to capital. The WePower blockchain solution is currently recognized by Elering, one of the most innovative Transmission System Operators in Europe.

To optimize the financing cycle and open access to capital, WePower enables energy tokenization. Tokenized energy represents a contracting mechanism between an energy producer andenergy buyerThe founders say WePower will offer electricity contracts at a lower price than on the conventional market. In Spain, WePower’s launch market, they estimate that one megawatt-hour will cost $39-$40 per unit against a standard wholesale price of $47 per unit. That would be a 17% saving and the unit itself would be tradable, meaning you could sell on the token if the price was rising (say, because there was a shortage of renewable power available at any time).

Current energy market structure

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BENF)1, the 2016 level of investment into renewable energy had reached 242 Billion USD, representing a 23% decrease over the previous year as seen in the chart on the right. Nevertheless, early 2017 trends show investment in renewable energy has fallen to 20.9% in Q1 compared to 2016, from 64.25 billion to 50.84 billion. The market is dominated by banks, PE funds and hedge funds that dominate the energy investment market. This system does not serve the renewable energy community with proper access tocapital. Nor does it serve consumers with proper access to energy.
Through these methods, WePower solves the following energy market insufficiencies:
• Global access to capital for green energy projects
• Global access to green energy investments and trading (i.e. liquidity)
• Speed and transparency

WePower business case

Energy production is big business:
1. 24,756 TWh3 energy produced each year in total.
2. 24,756,000,000 MWh energy produced from renewable sources.
3. Assuming the LEC (levelized energy cost) from solar and wind averages 50 EUR/MWh (most
likely less costly), total market of energy production alone and sales is 1.24 trillion USD.
4. Current yearly investments in renewable energy amount to 242 billion USD4.

WePower token model

The WePower platform allows renewable energy producers to tokenize and sell the energy they produce. A renewable energy producer connected to the platform issues its own energy tokens within the WePower platform, where 1 energy token represents 1 kWh of green energy to be produced in a certain time in the future (usually within 4–6 months from the connection moment).
Each renewable energy plant connected to the WePower platform will organize an auction for the sale of tokenized energy. WePower token holders will have priority access to such auctions and their allocation will depend on the number of WePower tokens they have.
Blockchain function
Blockchain allows:
• Innovative community interaction across applications
• Provide 3rd party liquidity through exchanges and decentralised exchange protocols
• Enhanced efficiency due to smart contract elimination of intermediaries
• Enhanced security due to immutability of data
• Cheaper maintenance vs centralised database
• History of transactions and prediction of transactions
  • Fault tolerance for DApps due to decentralised nature of blockchain

Token sale

Main terms of WePower token sale:
Token creation will end when either the maximum number of WPR is issued or the contribution period has ended. If less than the minimum soft cap of tokens are issued, token sale contributions may be retrieved.
The project is supported by the United Nations and the Republic of Lithuania’s Energy Ministry because of its potential social impact on climate change control. WePower will share some of its technologies to countries that implement green energy and CO2 accounts, using blockchain technologies.
The WePower innovative token model was clarified with the European regulator. It is structured as a reward-based crowdfunding, where contributors reward free energy that they can use or sell on the platform.


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